1. Andaian terhadap mansuia
• Humans tend to cause or create their feelings by the way they THINK.
• People’s philosophies or beliefs about their experiences have a much more profound effect on their emotions and behavior than do the experiences themselves.
• People frequently create their disturbances by their own expectations of what they “should” happen or what others “should” behave toward them
• Disturbed and unhappy people tend to rate themselves (rather than their performance) and frequently to rate themselves negatively.
2. Proses kaunseling
• Insight 1 : Kaunselor membantu klien membebaskan diri daripada idea-idea tidak rasional dan menukar kepada idea rasional. Klien dibantu mengenalpasti sistem kepercayaan klien.
• Insight 2 : Meyakinkan klien bahawa dia sebenarnya mengekalkan masalah itu dengan mengindoktrinasikan dirinya idea yang tidak rasional.
• Insight 3 : Membantu klien mencabar kepercayaannya, hanya dengan ini klien boleh membuat keputusan baru yang membawa kepada penyelesaian masalah.
3. Matlamat kaunseling
• Bertanggungjawab terhadap masalah (Responsibility)
• Bertolakansur terhadap orang lain. (Tolerance of others)
• Menerima diri sendiri (Self acceptance)
• Keterbukaan (openness)
• Commitment
• Menerima peluang (Acceptance of chance)
4. Teknik-teknik kaunseling
• Kaedah kognitif
• Emotive evocative methods
• Behavioral methods
• Rational emotive imagery method
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